Two products help relay health information in emergency situations

One of two simple tools that could help save your life

During a medical emergency, it’s vital that first responders have your medical information on which to base critical decisions.

Two products make it easier for you to get the help you may need.

To learn about the File of Life and the Yellow Dot Program, two super-useful tools that could help save your or a loved one’s life, go to

Green your coffee with Repurpose Compostables

Repurpose Compostable coffee cups - the perfect green take-along

As more people “go green,” industries are scrambling to meet the increasing demand for quality, eco-friendly products. The 3 R’s — Reduce, Reuse, Recycle — are becoming familiar watchwords to both manufacturers and consumers.

There’s a lot of plastic waste out there, a great deal of which is clogging up our landfills.

One of the industries working to find a viable alternative to plastic-lined paper and Styrofoam is the coffee industry.

Los Angeles-based Repurpose Compostables has created a solution.

To learn more about these useful green coffee cups, see

Busting the “myths” surrounding Keystone XL

We have to dig deeper to learn the facts about Keystone XL

As a journalist, I’m well aware that reporters don’t always get it right. Even with the best of intentions, sometimes mistakes get past us, be it because we:

  1. were misinformed
  2. misunderstood what was said
  3. or we didn’t dig deep enough to get the facts straight

When it comes to the idea and reality of the Keystone XL project, there are definitely a  whole lot of “facts” that are being bandied about that appear to be far from the truth.

Check out this article that quotes numerous industry experts who have done their homework on the issue. Looks as if pursuing this project would actually raise oil prices, not lower them. Doesn’t sound too promising, does it?

The CamelBak All Clear purifies water with UV rays

Having access to clean water is becoming a global issue.  Whether the nearest stream is in front of your home or out in the wilderness, you still have to make sure the water’s safe to drink.

CamelBak’s All Clear water bottle uses an integrated UV purifier to zap whatever unhealthy organisms might be lurking in the water supply.

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Foods that can prevent weight loss

Here’s a fascinating video detailing five types of foods that can prevent you from losing weight and lose belly fat.

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Global 100 recognizes 8 American companies as most sustainable

Claims abound as to which companies are the most sustainable, the most “green”. But when the dust settles, one list says it like it is.

The eighth annual Global 100 list was announced at last week’s World Economic Forum, held this year in Davos, Switzerland. It designates eight U.S. firms as being among the most sustainable in the world.

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Farewell to a true friend

Goodbye, my friend (March 15, 1996 - Feb. 18, 2012), photo by tzejen, flickr

Sadly, I said goodbye to my dearest boy this past weekend.

Always ready with a sweet smile. Filled with the joy of being alive.

Together 13 1/2 years, it was barely a blink in time. My heart is breaking yet he passed peacefully, with loved ones around him.

Farewell,  my sweet brave M.  My beautiful “Magic Man”.  You taught us all about love and you’ll be truly missed.

Gardens by the Bay – Singapore’s latest green Extravaganza

Singapore's Gardens by the Bay, photo by Craig Sheppard

Singapore’s Gardens by the Bay, photo by Craig Sheppard

The island nation of Singapore is passionate about green, and National Parks Singapore (nParks) has spearheaded the nation’s recent green transformation. As the government agency that conserves, creates, sustains, and enhances the Singapore’s green infrastructure, nParks has helped Singapore reach its status as the “Garden City of South East Asia.”

The creation of a green garden paradise has been underway since 2005.

To learn more about Gardens by the Bay and the innovative wonders it will feature, go to

Celebrate the one you love!

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

Whether you’re going traditional (candy and flowers) or taking a romantic getaway, celebrate that special someone today / tonite. Make a memory that will last a lifetime.

Find chocolate with a conscience

Alter Eco's Fair Trade Dark Quinoa chocolate barThe bright red cards and red boxes of candy promoting Valentine’s Day romance are everywhere.

But there’s a dark secret underlying this fun holiday that’s beginning to see daylight.

Much of the chocolate sold by major chocolate manufacturers is produced through child trafficking and slave labor, working mostly under horrendous conditions for extremely poor wages.

To learn more about who’s involved and what actions have been taken so far, see