Kids and pit bulls – adults should learn from them

Just saw an amazing video about kids and pit bulls.

If you think the two don’t mix, take a look and listen to these kids. We adults really need to learn from the younger generation. They can teach us a great deal, especially about these magnificent gentle creatures. Check out the video and let yourself be moved.

8 foods for which the California drought will create consumer sticker shock

Shasta Lake hit hard by the drought

Shasta Lake hit hard by the drought

The drought isn’t lightening up, even with the increase in rain California has seen in the last several months. Living in northern California, I drive regularly past one of our best sources of water – Lake Shasta. This year, water levels are seriously down, though it does look better than it did in February where the lake’s tributaries looked like mere slim creeks.Still water conservation and the effects of this continuing drought will cause ripples across our day-to-day. I came across a great article outlining some of the foods we normally take for granted that we can expect to see significant price hikes in over the coming months. Continue reading

Progress or land grab – watch “There you go” and you decide

There You Go film screenshotIndigenous tribes around the world are being pressured to adapt to modern ways. When they resist, it often costs them their lands and their culture. In the end, we all lose as diversity and true sustainability go out the window.

Check out this short film There You Go from Survival International. If we believe in human rights, then tribal culture needs to be preserved and protected in a way that it can thrive, not adapt to our particular picture of what works.

50,000 bees dead after pesticide use in Oregon

Bee deathWith the ever growing concern about the devastation of the bee population, this story from today’s news takes it from bad to worse.

An estimated 50,000 bumblebees, possibly representing more than 300 colonies, were found dead or dying in the parking lot of a shopping mall in Wilsonville, Oregon. Authorities confirmed Friday that the massive bee die-off was caused by the use of a neonicotinoid pesticide, dinotefuran, on nearby trees. Then on Saturday, it was reported by The Oregonian that what could be hundreds of bees were found dead after a similar pesticide use in the neighboring town of Hillsboro.

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Up your awareness of what’s happening to our oceans

Plastic ocean trash

Here’s a fascinating video that shows what humans are contributing to our oceans.  Simple yet graphic. And worth viewing.



Preventing more plastic in our oceans is everyone’s business – and it’s really not hard to do, is it?

A view of the North Pacific Garbage Patch

Plastic ocean trash

I came across a video about the North Pacific Garbage Patch (vs. the newly discovered gyre in the South Pacific Ocean). I’ve written a number of times about this whirling maelstrom but have rarely seen footage that displayed it like this.

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Busting the “myths” surrounding Keystone XL

We have to dig deeper to learn the facts about Keystone XL

As a journalist, I’m well aware that reporters don’t always get it right. Even with the best of intentions, sometimes mistakes get past us, be it because we:

  1. were misinformed
  2. misunderstood what was said
  3. or we didn’t dig deep enough to get the facts straight

When it comes to the idea and reality of the Keystone XL project, there are definitely a  whole lot of “facts” that are being bandied about that appear to be far from the truth.

Check out this article that quotes numerous industry experts who have done their homework on the issue. Looks as if pursuing this project would actually raise oil prices, not lower them. Doesn’t sound too promising, does it?

A stunning look at the demise of the world’s glaciers

The receding glacier at Portage Lake photo b Cool Breeze pics, flickr

Here are some stunning photographs taken by a world class photographer of the steady retreat of our glaciers. Pictures tell the tale, even if climate change deniers try to soft pedal the story.

It’s hard to argue with the time-lapse pictures  you’ll see. It’s tine for the old saying of “out of sight, out of mind” to be replaced.

Not enough biofuel – Lufthansa ends test trials

Lufthansa will halt it's biofuel test flights due to lack of sufficient biofuel stock

German airline carrier Lufthansa has announced it will end flight trials using biofuel due to its inability to tap into sufficient reliable supplies.

The company says it has used up its stocks of certified biofuel.

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Composting is great, but not if it has a toxic herbicide in it

Using grass clipping in your compost could pose a danger to evergreens if you're not careful

As the green movement continues to expand throughout the minds and practices of consumers, more people are aware of the advantages of composting. It cuts down on the amount of garbage we toss and it’s a great amendment for trees and home gardens.

But a darker side of composting has reared its ugly head.

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