People would buy green products if ecommerce showed they how

Green ShoppingThis blog was founded on the premise that people want to know more about green – green living, environmental issues, innovative solutions that creative minds have come up with regarding climate change issues and more. And hopefully it’s lived up to you the reader’s expectations in that regard.

I read a great article by journalist Chelsea Harvey detailing a new study showing that consumers would purchase more green, eco-friendly products and services if only they were given the options on how and/or where to do it. This included things from purchasing carbon offsets – how many of us really know how to do that? – to products that have the lowest carbon output of greenhouse gas emissions.

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Wind turbines on the Great Lakes? Not a great idea for the birds

Saw an interesting article today about how putting wind turbines on the Great Lakes could do serious harm to the birds around and migrating through the Great Lake region.

Traditional wind turbines create a horrendous level of bird kills. Endangered birds such as bald eagles, which are federally protected,  and bats – which are threatened by the white nose syndrome plague – are losing their lives in continually growing numbers due to strikes by wind turbines.

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Organic versus non-GMO certified. Which would you pick if you had all the information?

The Non-GMO ProjectSaw a great article today – taken from an interview on NPR’s All Things Considered – that examined people’s perceptions of food products that were labeled either USDA Organic or Non-GMO Project Verified. It made some very good points for both sides.

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Are Olympic athletes walking (or swimming) into an environmental and health disaster?


Olympic logo 2016The opening ceremony of this year’s summer Olympics is just around the corner. Festivities begin this Friday evening U.S. time.(7pm Eastern time). Yet despite the hype, advertising and anticipation, athletes and attendees will have to contend with some serious issues – both environmental and health-related – that could put them at risk.

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